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Simon Hall Will Writing & Estate Planning Services

Being a carer for someone is quite often an unpaid role and is usually undertaken either by next of kin or a close friend. Invariably, the care support you provide can take up many hours over your week.

What happens to the person you are caring for if their health deteriorates? Especially when even more hours are required to assist them which may include someone else’s support as well.

As the health of the person you are caring for deteriorates, you, the carer may be asked to do more things. This is when having a LPA in place for the person you are caring for makes things so much easier for you to almost seamlessly increase your support whilst aiming to maintain the quality of life for the person you are caring for.

LPA for people you are caring for

When to put an LPA in place

You may ask yourself, “When is the right time to have a Lasting Power of Attorney in place?” Well, this can be difficult to predict as we all can fall into the bracket of needing such protection in place. 

None of us truly know how our lives will turn out. We may never need help or assistance in our lifetime, having retained full health and kept our mental faculties intact until the day we pass away. We simply do not know what the future holds and when an LPA will become necessary.

Taking the above into account, it would be more prudent if you either set up a Lasting Power of Attorney for yourself or for the person you care for, well in advance of it being needed. 

From a common-sense perspective, that way, the Donor, the person who the LPA is for can be fully engaged throughout the decision-making process. This decision is like taking out an insurance policy, you may never need it, but it is there, ‘just in case’.

It is fair to say that you may be caring for someone who refuses to consider having an LPA, you cannot force someone, it is their choice, however, the alternative may not be so appealing. 

The alternative is applying through the Court of Protection for Deputyship. This is not only time consuming and costly, during that period it can become extremely stressful and upsetting for not just the person you are caring for but for you acting as their carer as you are unable to fully support them as you had wished.

In summary, whether you are a carer for someone or simply considering your own life, setting up a Lasting Power of Attorney, can save a lot of heartache for the future.

For regular updates on everything related to Estate Planning including the importance of the LPA when it comes to caring situations, follow Simon Hall on LinkedIn.

Simon Hall

Simon Hall is your friendly, but professional Will Writer. He started Simon Hall Will Writing Services in 2019 to provide clients with peace of mind both now and in future. The company, which has recently won two awards, offers Wills, Trusts, Lasting Power of Attorney and Probate.